Wayne County Speedway Press Credential Policies
Press Credential requests must be submitted to Jason Flory at florywcs or to Alan Hutchison at PorkChopWCS Please make certain that your credential requests are received at least 48 hours prior to the event. All press credential requests must be on the represented company’s letterhead. Follow-up tear sheets, tapes, photos, etc. applicable to your specific coverage are required following the covered event. We welcome and certainly appreciate all media coverage at Wayne County Speedway; however, if we do not receive any “proof of coverage” or a copy of the publication containing the article, then we have to assume that coverage was not provided. A copy of the coverage can be emailed to either of the email addresses above.
Season Press Credentials
Season Press Credentials are also available following the same above procedures, and must be noted when requests are made. Please note: those individuals who were granted season credentials in 2024, and did not follow up with tear sheets, tapes, photos, etc., as requested at the beginning of the 2025 season, need not apply for Season Press Credentials in 2025.
Only one reporter and one photographer per publication will be considered for Season Press Credentials for 2025. Other individuals who wish to cover specific events at Wayne County Speedway are welcome to do so, but will need to make sure their credential requests is received in the business office at least 48 hours prior to the event. Individual event press credentials will not be carried over from one event to the next.
There will be limits on the amount of credentials issued for our special events. Consideration will be given first to those writers and photographers who supported us throughout the season. Those who received credentials in 2024 but did not send proof of coverage will not be considered for Special Events in 2025.
Wayne County Speedway will provide all track news and press releases to those individuals with websites that cover racing events. Please contact Jason or Alan at the above email addresses to be included in our email press release mailings.
We Appreciate The Coverage!
Business Mailing Address: Wayne County Speedway, 209 Pine St., Creston, Ohio 44217
Business Phone Number: (330) 465-2258